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This could be of REAL interest to you all.Views: 288
Dec 15, 2012 9:28 pmThis could be of REAL interest to you all.#

David Hulse
This is an email from an internet colleague named Tyron and details of what he will be doing soon.
Just a few things up front first. He is building a 3 x 7 forced matrix down line which will be used for multiple programs. The first program iLA, detailed at end of this email, will be launched in late January 2013 and has the following stated features:

1. No Barriers to Entry.
2. No Risk
3. No Recruiting Requirements
4. No catches and requirements to get started.
5. The program costs $10 a month and you can earn in excess of $2,500 without
referring a single person as there are no requirements to be met to earn.

There’s very serious income for those that do recruit. Make certain to view
“Compensation” video on site.

Right now I'm creating a list of folks that want to be involved. There is a lot to read here;
some of you may want to skip to end and read area starting with iLA PROGRAM DETAILS;
First look at the program and then come back here and read Tyron’s marketing plan.

From Tyron:

This is probably going to be the most important update that I have written to you so far
as I am finally ready to make a very serious effort at creating the system that I have been
wanting to create for some time now, which will be of benefit to everyone reading this message.
This is going to be a long message as I have several things to outline but I know that my regular
readers would take the time to simply read and absorb what I am about to say.
Those who are not accustomed to reading my updates or who seldom participate in anything that I
promote/recommend, I suggest that this time you at least listen to, and consider, what I am about
to say.

I will try to be as brief and to the point as I can without leaving out any important issues/ considerations. So here we go, over the years I have watched the various trends online and have always made a point to learn from my mistakes and to always strive to improve on known flaws in various types of opportunities.

Up until very recently, the big swing online has been towards the passive (no sponsoring) type programs and program owners have very much exploited this trend. The problem with these type of programs (regardless of the form that they take and how well they try to disguise themselves) is that they are based on a ponzi type model (money coming in is used to pay members who withdraw)
and so these programs are always short lived, some more than others.

Of late, and primarily I suspect because of the frustration with the above issue, I have started to see a drift back to the more stable sort of traditional matrix type programs that can/have been around for many years, BUT the problem is that to be successful in these sort of programs, one must be able to recruit OR have some sort of realistic system to create a continue influx of new members to any given downline.

Most people these days shy away from any program that requires any form of recruiting sighting their inability to recruit as a reason for their ultimate failure in such programs. While this may be true in general, if we analyze and try to conceptualize why this might be the case, we can easily pinpoint the problem and once there is a means of addressing this problem, then these sort of programs start looking a lot more appealing than before.


The problem is that every business opportunity needs LEADS and a continuous supply of them.
Some members have lists and can simply tap into their lists and get referrals based on having these list members join then, BUT these list members do not have the same luxury and so they cannot DUPLICATE the efforts and success of their sponsor.

These people (at least the ones who actually make an effort as there are some who simply have a totally wrong mindset) toil away at free advertising resources like TE's and Safelists without having any sort of direction or plan and they ultimately see very poor results leading to frustration and them dropping out of whatever program they are in. The program is not the problem, the problem simply is that these people were not able to get enough people to see their opportunity.

Also when you market the same garbage over and over to people and everyone is doing the same thing, it basically becomes very ineffective as everyone is simply trying to market the same stuff to each other without anything really different and exciting being offered.

Now I have gone along with the various trends online as well as I am only human after all and would make mistakes like everyone else but I am tired of simply going along with what everyone else is doing.


As you may or may not know, from January I would have a lot more time than I currently do as I have hired someone to basically run my offline business so that I can focus on what makes me happy, which is being online and doing what I do. With this said, I am determined on creating and implementing a system, which I am in the process of creating right now and while it will take a few weeks to set everything up, I wanted to outline the concept to you now so that those of you who are ready to move forward with me can ready yourselves. I have been testing various aspect of what I am about to disclose and now it's time to put all the pieces together into a working model.


As we speak I am having a professionally made website and LCP done for this undertaking but I will attempt to outline what this is all about so you can better understand. When things are completed, it would simply be a case of running with the program at that time.


1) I am basically done with passive type programs as I want to dedicate my time to something more meaningful and long lasting. These type of programs are normally matrix based in some way and will be residual as I don't want to have to do this twice.

2) Right now I want to focus on the SYSTEM as the opportunity itself is secondary to me as once we have the right system it can and will
be applied to as many programs as we see fit over time.

3) The short of the story is that I am going to tap into my entire network and find/invite all of the leaders/marketers that I can find to join me in what I am about to do.

4) In essence, I am going to create a super team that I am going to strategically build from the top come down BUT this will not be your usualteam build as that simply does not work for reasons already explained.

5) Besides the large influx of people that I (and my soon to be partners in this project) will be able to bring in initially, there has to be a way to be able to have these recruits recruit people of their own and this is where we will be different.

6) I have spent a lot of time (behind the scenes) working on a Lead Generation System and while this will not be revealed to you (right now at least), what I have put together can/has/will continue to literally create thousands of LEADS daily, who are all just like us (looking for something
realistic to make money online with).

7) This Lead Generation system will be structured in away that there are no weak links or "leaks" in the system as everything and everyone will follow the same system which creates the DUPLICATION that is totally missing these days. I expect the conversion rate (from lead to fully paid and participating member of our team) to be high.

8) The Four pillars on which our team will lay it's foundation is CONTINUOUS LEAD GENERATION, DUPLICATION, DIVERSIFICATION and LEVERAGE.

9) With the right system in place, we will start to build a down line in an already selected program. The program I have selected, as I made mention to already is iLA ( I will speak about the program in more detail later in this message). I originally wanted to do another program before this one but iLA is the perfect program to start with and this will be built so big you wouldn't be able to imagine right now.

10) The programs that I will select are monthly residuals with a great comp plan and members will earn both passively and actively . We will build this downline once and then reproduce this exact downline in any other program that we will join ( I anticipate joining one every 4 months or so to create new streams of income and diversification ).

11) In effect, we can basically roll into any program that is suitable and everyone who had put in work and/or who the system built a downline for, would have this same downline in this new program, instantly creating a new stream of income for them without any additional work.

12) Communication is extremely important and I have seen this with the LCP system for Adit where sponsors do not offer information to their downlines like I would to you. So for our system, we will have one central system for communication so that even if you refer someone, you don's have to worry about updating them much as they will be on a special information list and I will update everyone on every aspect of our program so that no one will be lost or not know what to do.

Now if you are still a bit confused, let me paint a picture for you and give you a run down on how this will happen.

The first program is iLA and this is a 3X7 company forced matrix that I have secured a top founders position in. We will be building right from that position and I don't even care about any company spillover as we don't even need that.

The program costs $10 a month and you can earn in excess of $2500 without referring a single person as there are no requirements to be met to earn. Anyone who falls under you in the forced matrix you earn from. This in itself is a great aspect as I know many of you reading this now will be in profit from day 1 since all my list members enter first before I implement anything else.

Now this is the sequence of events that will follow with this program and our new team system

1) This program is carded to launch officially in late January but in about 2 weeks time we will be given a special link to a website where we can pre-enroll downline members. No payments will be made but we can lock in members under us.

2) At this time, I will systematically allow all my list members to join and get referral links of their own that can be used right away by them. I will have leaders with me as well (any leaders among you or those who have existing downlines of any sort please step up now and contact me as I need as many people with me as possible on this).

3) I will be forming a core membership of 200 members and these members are the ones who I expect to step up and really help drive this system as you are the ones who have the most to gain from this to begin with.

4) I will be starting a list right away of the first 200 members who send me an email right away. Please don't apply if you are not ready to settle down and really focus on making some money online with us.


Those with downlines or who are leaders in their own right please also add a note in that email letting me know a bit about what sort of downline you want to bring in before I "start the system" and start bringing in serious numbers under everyone.

Everyone knows someone so I suggest that you think of all the people who you think might want in on this, make a list of these people and contact them to see if they want in. Once they want in you can lock them in when you yourself get your link in about 2 weeks time.

If you want to start now you can do as I am doing and start a waiting list with your members. You do not have to recruit anyone if you are not interested in doing so.

5) Once the core is set and everyone has brought in all the people they can think of, I will then go to the LCP system that I have set up for Adit and I have over 300 members there who I will contact to join this with us. This might be some of you guys and members that you might have recruited
into Adit who maybe never upgraded etc. but this effort is not lost as I will preserve the sponsorship lines and these people will join under the right sponsors (I am going through a tedious process to make sure I map out every member and their sponsor/downline).

Now of course when I contact these people, if you are their sponsor and you have not joined, then these people will join under someone else as I will not be waiting for anyone ( you have all the time now to decide and the cost is $10/mo which is not prohibitive).

6) Next I will go to the leads in the LCP SYSTEM....There are literally thousands of leads who joined that system. Many have not joined Adit for one reason or the other (probably because of price and not understanding the program just yet) but they will certainly find $10/month and an excitingopportunity very appealing and conversions will be significantly higher.
Now these leads have come from members who use the LCP system in point 5) above so this is incentive for these members to join as once I contact these
leads, if their sponsor has not joined us, then these leads will be distributed under other members.

7) All that I have said above has not even incorporated my lead generation system as yet. Finally, after all of the above is set, my Lead Generation System will then go to work to systematically work it's way down to at least provide 3 personal referrals to every member (this will open up MATCHING BONUSES for each member which is where the earnings really start adding up).

8) So in effect, all you guys have to do is join and even if some of you do as you do and not make the necessary effort, you will still earn in this program especially in the positions that you will be getting in at and will actually make some nice profit as the system I have devised will get leads, explain the program and our concept and have them ready to sign up. All I then do is find the next in line to get referrals and send them that persons referral link.

9) In case you were wondering what my Lead Generation System is all about, it will comprise of 3 sets of lead generation software (good stuff) which will create thousands of targeted leads daily as well as 4-5 different sources of leads that I will be purchasing. This will absolutely create thousands of leads daily which I will be adding to a few bulk mailers with specific messages detailing what we are about etc. and will be designed to funnel these leads into our system and into our first program (under all of you guys). All of this is done without your intervention or having to do anything yet you will directly benefit from it.

10) Once you get your three referrals it's up to you to promote and build more if you so desire and each of you will be encouraged to build by traditional means, BUT with a professional LCP and step-by-step instructions on how to build your own downlines. This is up to you and will obviously boost your earnings even more but my system will at least ensure that you are into a positive cash flow. Those who want to really boost their earnings will be encouraged and supported in their own personal advertising efforts. You will be provided with LCP, Splash Pages, Banners, email sample letter and headers and all of your advertising will run through one central system that I would have set up
to do all the selling for you and designed that once the lead wants to join, they will join under the person who brought them into the system. More on this will be explained once I have it set up.

11) Every 4 months (or when the opportunity arises) we will all leverage this downline into a new program for diversification. You guys are welcome to continue doing what you are doing but I am asking for all of you to really support this venture. It's not costly, has loads of potential and quite frankly, you don't really have anything much to lose and everything to gain.


I have tried to "shed some light " on what I am planning and I hope that I have explained my concept in a manner that you can see the effectiveness of the system but if not, it will become very clear very soon when I have everything prepared.


I want to leave you for now with some details of the iLA program that we will be joining first.
Here is the actual website (The founders positions that they speak about are all sold out so disregard that aspect of it as the last video relating to the founders positions has been removed and replaced with a form to sign up for latest news which you are welcome to join as that will not affect
sponsorship which will only be locked when we get our links in two weeks time)
http://ilivingapp.com/ Take a look at the two video's on the program and especially the compensation plan.

Here is a recording of a founders call that took place recently. Please listen in and get a feel for how good of a program this really is.


I will be hard at work getting this together in time for us to begin so if you are interested please email me (Tyron’s email address removed) right now.

It only takes one good recruiter under you to change your earning capabilities completely so it's worth the effort to contact as many people as you can. You will be able to lock people in once you get your link but in the interim you can start a waiting list as I will work on creating an early splash page that members can use now to create a waiting list and start pre-building a downline.

I think that very soon I will start dabbling a bit with my lead generation system and start building a waiting list of leads so that once everyone has joined, they will start getting instant downlines.

Until next time,


So there you have it; this will be an outstanding program led by Tyron who appears to be an expert on internet marketing.

Please do not say you’ll sign up if you can't afford the $10/mo. Although, according to what I read and listened to, it would not be very long for your monthly fee to be covered by the group of people placed under you.

I will be building a list of people that are interested.

Private Message me and just include in subject area: " I AM IN FOR SURE"
When I get my link, I will first contact those that respond. David

Private Reply to David Hulse

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